We are a young international consulting firm with extensive experience – a team of strong personalities who have been responsibly supporting companies and their executives through change processes for many years.
With a very high sense of commitment, profound knowledge of business practices and excellent methodological skills, we give companies a perceptible competitive edge.
GOLDRADT– we are unconventional thinkers and daring doers, united by one core sentiment: we love what we do.
We delight in passing on this enthusiasm to our clients.
Change requires leadership, and leadership requires change.
How do you steer through stormy seas, fix an airplane mid-flight, or perform open-heart surgery? GOLDRADT helps executives master these challenges.
The key to successful leadership lies in the ongoing alignment between good intentions and actual impact. To achieve this, leaders require high-quality feedback.
Our 361°–GOLDRADT tool provides precise insights: it evaluates all aspects of your leadership behaviour, revealing new development opportunities—both for individuals and for the overall leadership culture of your organization.
Leadership means going ahead, leading by example – all of this requires adequate expert guidance.
GOLDRADT supports companies in developing common leadership guidelines for coordinated procedures in similar leadership situations.
In close dialogue, we raise your leadership awareness during the guideline creation process. We use a wide range of activities to ensure that your guidelines do not only exist on paper but are lived out.
Leadership presents personal challenges for every executive. We support executives with our experience, through attentive listening and stimulating questions.
We provide impulses and comprehensive feedback, that both strengthens and challenges you ensuring rapid development of your capabilities.
Not only employees but also senior managers need leadership. But how do you lead the leaders? And what makes this kind of leadership unique?
GOLDRADT enables you to grasp this demanding task in all its complexity and master it successfully.
When we act on your behalf, we do not begin with off-the-shelf answers but with questions: about your experience, goals and visions.
With an unbiased view, we identify relevant patterns of thinking and behaviour and sum up the current situation with all its opportunities and risks. We uncover untapped resources and make hidden potentials visible.
Erfolgreicher Wandel passiert nicht von alleine. Er wird gestaltet.Wir sorgen dafür, dass aus komplexen Change-Vorhaben handhabbare Projekte werden.
Mit Klarheit und Weitblick strukturieren wir das Projekt realistisch und schlagen einen gangbaren Weg vor, bei dem unnötige Umwege vermieden und Stolpersteine frühzeitig erkannt werden.
In change processes, the driving actors often don’t lack knowledge but rather implementation skills.
GOLDRADT identifies not only WHAT needs to change, but especially HOW to implement those changes. With our practice-proven know-how, we support ambitious projects from conception right up to successful completion.
We make your team better. We help clarify roles and expectations, resolve conflicts, and strengthen team spirit – all of which achieves resilient team structures and efficient processes.
Above all, we help your team reach its full potential: by discovering, unlocking, and utilizing previously untapped resources.
Not every beginning holds magic, especially during changes. Often, a decisive impulse is needed to win over sceptics and opponents.
We deliver inspiring speeches that ignite the willingness for change and provide the necessary impulses – whether at conferences, strategy meetings, or large group sessions. Whenever stakeholders need motivation and a spark of enthusiasm, we’re there to drive it.
When large teams, multiple departments, or even entire companies come together in one room, a unique energy arises.
Effective facilitation requires experts who engage all participants, shape dialogue, enable active involvement, and encourage collaborative solutions. With GOLDRADT, you can master and make full use of the power of large group dynamics.
We are more than pleased to pass on our experience as change instigators. In an environment that promotes intensive, enjoyable learning, we inspire and impart our proven approach to your hand–picked change agents.
State-of-the-art models and methods bring participants’ real projects to life. The right combination of theory and practice, knowledge and intuition, attitude and methodology prepares participants for working autonomously as change managers.
For successful consulting, the right attitude is key. It requires balancing closeness with clients and professional distance, engaging and letting go.
Our credo is to turn valuable knowledge into practice. We actively work to make ourselves as consultants unnecessary by enabling our clients to continue developing independently.